Monday, December 17, 2012

Why do we have to go to school?

Most people ask this question when they get into high school.  Why do we have to go to school?  It might be because our parents want us to get a good education or to become successful.  It might be because the law is that you have to be in school until you are 16 or until graduation.  And you might just say, "Because my parents want me to."

What I think of going to school is this: Everyone should go to school no matter what.  Everyone varies in learning categories, learning faster or slower than someone else.  It does not matter if you spend 2 hours on something or just 2 minutes.  If you end up understanding the work after you finish it that is the only thing that matters.  Yes many people do not have as much time as other people with sports and other responsibilities, but they have to try just as hard as the other people in their grade level.  If you even want to participate in a high school sports team you have to go to a high school to do so.

After the teenager rebellion stage of oneself thinking they know all the answers to any question then it gets easier down the road.  They think they know why they go to school when meraly, they do not know at all.  They think the correct answer is just because they are made to out of punishment.  We all know that is not what school is meant to do, but if you look at it like that then yes it might as well be punishment.  Punishment is getting your phone taken from you, not to go to school. 

After high school many people want to automatically be millionaires.  That is not possible unless you win the lottery or have some rich family members.  Even then it is very unlikely that they will give you their money, so that means you need an education to get the money you want so badly.  For a good job you have to have a high school diploma and a good college degree.  Many jobs have various requirements for being able to become and be in that profession.

School is important so that you will have a good future in life and that is why we "have" to go to school.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Thank you for sharing. School has its benefits for social interaction too. So many people get a chance to practice those social skills that will be very important when trying to meet new people in college.
