Friday, December 14, 2012

What I Believe In

I believe abortion is murder that humans try to justify through definitions and terms.  Google defines murder as "The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another" and that accurately and completely describes abortion.  Any parent or parent going to through with abortion has premeditated by planning a day and filling our the paper work to kill a human baby.  Being a human though, they attempt to justify there feelings by bring the attention back to the only thing they think about, themselves.  They say its not fair for "me", think about how it will change "my" life, but really they are only beginning to understanding the consequences for their wrong actions.


  1. I appreciate you sharing your beliefs! It can be difficult to voice these feelings in public due to the vast differences in opinions, but I'm glad you chose to share! Thank you!

  2. I appreciate your enthusiasm on this topic, but i think a really good question is, When is a baby a baby? Is it at the first heart beat? The first finger? The first ultrasound? Right after the sperm meets the egg? If not, when? And that's a huge problem with the debate about abortion, how do you know what the true answer is? All i know, is that i don't have the answer to that question.
