Wednesday, May 8, 2013

B.O.B. - AIn't nobody got time for math

Well, this last unit was hectic to say the least. The material was not very complicated, but being a part of the musical made it very difficult to keep up on the homework. Even with the time given in class, I found I was unable to get any work done outside of the classroom. I was able to take the test on time, because the information given in class was exactly what I needed to know. I don't have any specific problem spots in this unit other than not having time for the homework. But, with any luck and with the absence of the musical, this unit will go much more smoothly.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This past unit in class had some rough spots but overall was pretty easy to grasp.  I personally had a lightbulb moment in class the day I stopped trying to understand every individual detail of a concept and started looking at the concepts as a whole. I found that the unit circle could be related to the musical circle of fifths. Sometimes there was so much information given at one specific time, I found it easier to learn to just try a problem on my own and then ask questions later in the lesson.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Goodbye for now...

Some of you I'll see in a couple of days, some will never have me as their teacher again.  Thank you for the time we spent together learning.  I'm always here if you need anything!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

D.E.V.-Video link

Mr. Jackson,
Below is a the math video that doesn't have sound in my powerpoint.

Dev Elliot D
Powerpoint in link provided

This was a good way to finish off the trimester to prove we have learned the material and as a partial way to study for the exam. By demonstrating our knowledge base of the subject, we will become more adept at utilizing it. One way I could have improved upon my project is to have spent more time on it and made it alot more intricate, or possibly cover more units, or going more in-depth as to what the variables do.

Monday, March 11, 2013

D.E.V. Big Pappa & Morgan E.

Big Pappa:  I chose these concepts because I believe they are somewhat challenging yet, with enough time, are easily understandable.  These concepts are the ones I understand thoroughly and are a good representation of what I have learned this trimester.  I believe this assignment was an exceptional way to wrap up the trimester in that it provided substantial review before the exam. 

Morgan: I thought this was a good project way to end the trimester. It was a good review over every unit that we have done so far. I think that one way that the project could be in proved is you do show us how to create our own problem that would help me a lot because I would get almost all the way through a problem then i would realize that it didn't work, and that was a pain to have to go through and redo the problem. I chose the concepts I did because they were the concepts I was the most comfortable with. This problems show an overview of this trimester because these these problems cover almost all of the units that we went over in this trimester.


I chose these concepts for my D.E.V. project because I really enjoyed these concepts.  They were challenging at points but still nice enough to understand and not feel completely over whelmed.  I feel that these problems provide an accurate sense of the trimester.  There is a variety of different skills involved in these problem sets, such as factoring and simplifying.  I feel content with what I took away from these units.  This project was beneficial to my education in many ways.  I had to manage my time wisely, and self motivate.  Most teachers give you an assignment and constantly remind you of  it, while this assignment was given well in advance and I didn't have a teacher breathing down my back to make sure I completed it.  I was responsible for my own schedule.  This also served as good review while preparing for the exam.