Wednesday, December 19, 2012

There is one thing that I am an expert at. I am an expert at making peanut butter tortilla shell wraps. Peanut butter and tortilla shell wraps are just two things that I love combined into one amazing thing. There are 10 steps to making this wrap.

Things You Will Need:
  • Knife
  • Peanut Butter
  • Tortilla Shell/(Shells depending on how many you want to make.)
  • Plate
Steps To Making A Peanut Butter Tortilla Shell Wrap:

1. First get all your supplies around.
2. Lay your tortia shell out flat on the plate.
3. Open up the jar of peanut butter.
4. Pick up your knife.
5. Stick the knife into the jar of peanut butter and scoop some peanut butter out.
6. Spread the peanut butter evenly onto the tortilla shell.
7. Put the top back on the jar of peanut butter.
8. Take care of the knife you used to spread the peanut butter.
9. Now fold your tortilla shell with peanut butter on it in half.
10. Now you are ready to eat and enjoy it!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Now I'm hungry for some PB. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
