Friday, January 4, 2013

B.O.B #1

In accordance to the title, I figured I'd start my blog out by stating what I believe to be a cool part about the class. I enjoy our ability to access information and get additional help through technology and such things as a blog. Secondly I would like to cover my progression throughout the first unit. I had started out at a not so great pace, I was having some focusing troubles that I believe came to be from the variation in equations. We received many problems with a variety of differences and solving was a haste. Later on I became used to the daily grind that is school and was some what able to focus and learn solving types. Over all the section was... Bearable and I learned a few new tricks to help later on in the year.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you continue to use the resources given to you and share with others what you're finding useful in the classroom. Keep up the good work!
