Sunday, March 10, 2013

D.E.V. Jason and Devon

-Jason and Devon    2nd Hour

Jason's Reflection:
                For the most part our project went very smooth.  We spent a good chunk of time right from the beginning setting up how we wanted our problems to work out and what kind of format we wanted.  Most of our problems are set up to include almost an entire unit worth of material.  It was nice for me cause i could easily see the different things we have learned this tri being used with the kind of questions from the unit that we would see them in: a sort of timeline or summary of the class.  Because of this fact, these problems show my best understanding of the material.  I spent time bridging mathematical ideas into different questions to show i really knew how to do it.  Overall, i believe this project was educationally valuable.  It not only served as a review for the unit but it also helped point out little errors i had been making in some of the math.

Devon’s Reflection:
                We chose to use PowerPoint to supply information on how to solve pre-calculus questions. We tried to make every unit incorporated and display how to solve many complex functions. The power-point part was easy, the videos on the board took a long time and we spent a majority of our time planning and creating the questions. These questions display our understanding because of their complexity and the amount of detail spent solving the functions. I used most of the skills I already knew so I don’t think I gained too much information, I did learn better skills with power-point but my math didn’t advance. In the end the power-point wouldn’t upload on my computer and Jason had to bring his laptop and download it through that. All together things went pretty smoothly and it turned out to be a fun assignment. 

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