Monday, March 11, 2013

D.E.V. Big Pappa & Morgan E.

Big Pappa:  I chose these concepts because I believe they are somewhat challenging yet, with enough time, are easily understandable.  These concepts are the ones I understand thoroughly and are a good representation of what I have learned this trimester.  I believe this assignment was an exceptional way to wrap up the trimester in that it provided substantial review before the exam. 

Morgan: I thought this was a good project way to end the trimester. It was a good review over every unit that we have done so far. I think that one way that the project could be in proved is you do show us how to create our own problem that would help me a lot because I would get almost all the way through a problem then i would realize that it didn't work, and that was a pain to have to go through and redo the problem. I chose the concepts I did because they were the concepts I was the most comfortable with. This problems show an overview of this trimester because these these problems cover almost all of the units that we went over in this trimester.

1 comment:

  1. Now remember, the domain of your #3 and #5 problems would be all real numbers, unless you put them under a radical. It looks like you have a radical in #3, but you're using that as the long division bracket.
