Sunday, March 10, 2013

D.E.V-Project Emily
This project honestly was kind of hard for me. It looks easy on paper, but it really was not. It's something that can be done in an half an hour, but done well? No way. The thing I had trouble with was creating problems and finding the best way to solve them. A lot of them I had to check my work more than once, because each time they just wouldn't add up. A lot of the times it was simply, that I forgot to distribute a negative sign or added something wrong, but because of that I had to erase everything and start over. The problems I created weren't super hard but to me these problems were kind of hard. I tried to tackle the type of problems that I struggled with the most. One of them was dividing polynomials and factoring them by grouping. I actually struggled creating this problem the most. I also had a friend check over my work to make sure I was actually solving the problem right. This project was difficult but, it was also fun for me. I got to play around and experiment different ways on how I could explain how to solve the problem. I also had fun creating funny cartoons to go along with it. I hope that through my project you can tell that I did take the time and effort to think things through and how much fun I had creating horribly stick figures.

(I also had trouble with the video it wouldn't play with sound no matter how much I tried. If you have problems with the video please tell me and I can try to fix it. )

Below is a the math video that doesn't have sound in my powerpoint.


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