Monday, March 11, 2013

Zach & Abe DEV


We created chose these math concepts to help us review for our exam, we chose a website format because we thought it would be easy access for anyone who would like to use it later, and we chose the Lord of the Rings theme because we thought it would attract people's attention/it is awesome.  These problems provide a glimpse into each unit our this trimester and provides a step by step example of how to get those problems done.  I didn't learn any new material but it did provide a good review for the exam.  In the future I would not like to repeat work, re-go-over work but instead to learn more.


Why did you choose the concepts you did to create your problem set?
We thought that creating a website would be easy and fun. How do these problems provide an overview of your best mathematical understanding of what you have learned so far?
We used a more real but creative way to show how the problems can affect life. To show our understanding of the math Did you learn anything from this assignment? Was it educationally valuable to you? (Be honest with this. If you got nothing out of this assignment then say that, but be specific about what you didn't like and offer a suggestion to improve it in the future.)
I did not learn anything new it was more of a review which i did help me remember and understand what we did earlier in the Trimester. 

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