Sunday, March 10, 2013

DEV. Corie and Savannah

Savannah's Reflection:  This project ended up being a lot harder than i thought it was going to be.  It was very time consuming and had its difficulties at times. In our project we started off with the easiest problems first and then worked our way up to the harder ones.  One problem I'm glad we did was an inverse problem because I always struggle with them but after this project they seem much easier to me.  I love the project because it's lord of the rings based and it was very fun to create and actually made me remember how to do certain problems from different units.

Corie's Reflection: I found this project to be a bit difficult. It wasn't impossible or something that was super hard on me, just more difficult than I originally thought it would be. Plus this project ended up being very time consuming. Coming up with a problem could take anywhere from five minutes to an hour of working. Plus doing this with powerpoint made it very time consuming, going through and explaining a problem, with animations and trying to make it creative could take 2+hours of work, for one problem. I did like the project based on that we were given a lot of independence for how we wanted to go about it, especially with the creative aspect. I think the units we chose were very good to show how Savannah and I understood this class. We did problems that we found a bit challenging at first but learned later on how to do them well. So this showed what we learned throughout this class. This project made me really learn about how precious time is and what needs to be done with it. Also it put me in the teachers position, which I had never been in before and found somewhat difficult to do. Overall I think it's a very good project and fun to do, as long as you don't procrastinate too much.

Misty Mountains



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