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(This way, you can hear the music!! Or should be able to...)
I chose
the two concepts of polynomials and radicals because I understood the
polynomials the best and understood the radicals the second best. This made the
difficult task of coming up with two problems slightly easier. These two units came
naturally to me and I enjoyed working with them very much. From this project I
learned that making the problems is so much easier than solving them.
I chose
to create problems using the polynomial unit and the quadratic unit. I chose
the polynomial unit because that was the unit that I understood the most. I
chose the quadratic unit because I understood it the least and needed to review
some of the concepts. Although I did not fully understand the quadratic unit, I
used the one concept that I understood the most for my problem. I really
enjoyed the polynomial unit and thought it would be a fun way to incorporate
Hawkeye's character. This project was really fun and I enjoyed working with my
group. I found it a very fun and challenging way to review the different math
concepts we learned this trimester.
I chose
to recreate problems from the Functions Basics unit and from the Quadratic
Functions unit. I chose an expansion problem from the Functions Basics unit
because I felt I needed more practice in that. With so many variables to
F.O.I.L. out, more and more practice with that would be helpful, despite the
fact that it is a basic skill. I chose a completing the square problem from the
Quadratic Functions unit because this is a series of steps that I forget if I
don’t practice it enough. Because I sat down and thought about what I was
creating, and how to explain it, I believe it will stay in my brain a lot