Friday, January 4, 2013

Unit 1 B.O.B.

My personal muddiest point is when we were trying to solve for x when there was an x and a y in the denominator.  I like how relaxed the class is and that we can work with partners frequently.  This is one of the best ways that I learn and I appreciate that because not all classes have a relaxed atmosphere.  I believe I am doing rather well in this course right now.  At the beginning of the new trimester I told myself i'm going to have to do my homework ahead of time, and so far, this plan has worked out great. The amount of homework can be lengthy/frustrating at times, but if you do it, it helps you learn the material.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping up with the homework is very important, but understanding what you're doing is essential. Keep up the good work.
