Going into this course, I knew it would be difficult, but not this difficult. It is not that I didn't understand the material per say, but simply did not understand the amount of time it would take to do well. Being a procrastinator, I put off most of the work that was due until the last day (contrary to your warnings) and it was not fun at all. In fact, I wasn't able to complete all of the work even though I stayed up until 5:30am attempting to do so. But, now we are in a new year, and I hope to have a fresh start to get on top of things and do a lot better in the following units.
Yes, you were warned about the amount of work. Keeping everything until the last day will be impossible and I don't expect you to stay up that late! Keep up with the work and you'll be better off for the quizzes/test/projects, etc.