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Thursday, February 28, 2013
B.O.B. Progress
I believe that this past unit was my best. I understood all the material, from finding the necessary information to plot points of a graph to using the sine charts to determine end behaviors. Even though it all went by fast i feel i did very well on my test and all my homework was a breeze. Now i need to start looking back on the various other things we've done this tri in preparation to our final exam.
B.O.B. Similarity to the” Real World”
In this trimester I have the MME Prep which helps kids get
better ACT scores. Well these past few weeks we have been doing review on Math
with Mrs. Ford. We have reviewed and taken notes on Pre-Algebra, Geometry, and
Algebra 2. We also have been reviewing formulas and so on and so forth. But
when we were reviewing we were doing some of the formulas we used or mentioned
in this class like Circumference, logarithms and area and so on and I thought
it was cool how sense we already did a review or already did things with those
formulas/that section of math I felt super ahead and on top of things cause it
was really easy to understand what she was saying.
Thanks Jackson!!!!
B.O.B. - Reflection
This unit was pretty easy for me. The only thing that I struggled with was the graphing of equations with two vertical asymptotes. After practicing it for a while and getting some help I understood it pretty well. All in all, the rational functions unit was probably the easiest unit.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
This unit was probably one of the easiest units for me. The one thing I had a little bit of trouble with was adding and subtracting fractions. When changing the denominator it some times confused me but after some help I finally got the hang of things and know how to do it.
B.O.B. -Rationals Unit
Through this unit of rationals I had many struggles and on of the struggles that I had was when we learned the sign charts. I had a hard time remembering what way each graph would go and how to make the sign charts. But after I went in and go help a couple mornings in a row and I got help on the weekends from Hannah after getting more and more help I have started to realize that I understood the concept a lot more but the one down side is that I don't think that I studied or worked hard enough because when it came time to take the test I had forgotten how to do the sign charts and graphs. That was my biggest struggle of the unit that I faced.
Morgan Ekovich
Morgan Ekovich
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
I found this past unit relatively easy, and more of review from Algebra 2. I did have slight trouble at first with simplifying common rational expressions. I was always adding things wrong, and forgetting to multiply the numerator by the same thing as the denominator. But after going over it with you/Savannah, it became very simple.
I felt that the Rational Functions unit was the easiest unit we had done in a long time. I know since it was so short and quick to learn I understood and liked it the most. Also that there was not a lot of information that we had to learn throughout the unit which I also liked. The hardest part for me was how to find the x-intercepts, y-intercepts, vertical asymptotes, and horizontal asymptotes in the beginning. Though i soon caught on very well how to find each one and an easy way to remember how to find them. The graphing was really easy for me because you had already found all the objects that you needed to put on the graph all you had to do was put it on and you were all set. I believe the chart for 3 asymptotes was very easy to work and to figure out as well. I did not have a problem in that area and look forward for Calculus now.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Simplifying rational equations was my favorite part of this unit. It was the easiest thing we've done in a while. I really like factoring and factoring the different parts of the equations and seeing how they simplified was interesting to me.
Rational Functions B.O.B
My favorite thing that we learned this unit was sign charts. I thought it was really cool that you could find the direction the graphs would go just by figuring out if the answer would be positive or negative. It was also the easiest thing that I learned this unit. I understood sign charts better than anything else.
B.O.B. - Rationals
In the beginning of this unit, I struggled hardcore with drawing the graphs when there was more than one vertical asymptote. Generally, when an equation is negative, it has a negative sign out in front of it to signify it, but in this unit, this was not the case. This really bothered me when attempting to draw the graphs, because when the curves ended up in the top left and bottom right (negative) areas of the graph without a negative sign in front of the equation, I struggled trying to understand whether or not my sketch was correct. However, Mr. Jackson explained the concept to me, and it much more sense after that.
I have found the rational unit to be a good learning experience. Al thought the unit was short, i feel like i learned a few important bits. Graphing the rationals was fairly easy. I plan on using some of the knowledge learned on my DEV project.
Muddiest point
I think my muddiest point in this unit was the adding and subtracting of fractions. I was able to get a common denominator but once I did, I struggled to actually get the final answer.
I really enjoyed this unit.
It engaged me well and was mildly challenging. I felt fairly confident in this unit and felt
alright on the test. I fell ill the
weekend before the test, but I was able to catch up and pull through. I am looking forward to using this unit in my
Sunday, February 24, 2013
B.O.B.- Rationals
Throughout this unit I had a problem with graphing the middle part of the rational. I did not know how to make the graph bend or bounce correctly. Although initially I could not properly graph the middle graph, I eventually found that you just have go give your best assumption as to whervthe graph should bend or bounce.
B.O.B-moment of clarity
For this unit things seemed a little murky for me, there was nothing that I was really certain about. I had a mild understanding of graphing, adding, dividing, multiplying, and subtracting rationales but I had trouble solving. This was the most difficult thing for me to understand. I know it's not very hard to find a common denominator to multiply everything by, but I found it confusing. I didn't realize that you didn't have to always multiply the rationale by the same fraction. I guess that was common sense, but I take some rules too seriously. I also had to solve some problems more than once because I kept forgetting some steps. One of the steps I forgot was distributing the leftover fraction. I had trouble with this issue working on one of the problems. I had erased my work and started over at least twice on this problem with no luck of solving for x. I leaned over to a friend and asked him to look at my work. He pointed out that I forgot to distribute the leftover fraction to my numerator. I was like "ohhh" I should have realized that from the beginning. Although, I feel that I have improved from the beginning of the trimester, there are still a lot of things I have to improve on. I hope the D.E.V. project will help clarify some thing for me.
"Muddy point" of Rationals Unit ((BOB))
My muddy point during the rationals unit would have to be finding the slant asymptote of an equation due to my previous troubles with long dividing and the problems it posed. Being a short unit, there was less to understand, but it was all harder to understand in general compared to previous units.
I thought that this was going to be my hardest class and take up all of my time, but it has been alright. The first unit was the hardest for me but since you put past material on tests, I feel more confident about it. I have kept up with all the homework and understood all of the material that we've covered. I am feeling more and more confident about the final exam because we always use old units in our homework and on tests. All in all, I think that I have made good progress in your class.
B.o.b on rationals
The rationals unit was sadly one of my least favorite. I enjoyed the everything rational portion, it tied into algebraic equations, which I enjoy. The part I didn't like was the graphing and finding the asymptotes, for some reason I found it hard to do. I had a hard time visualizing what it looked like and not knowing for sure how it will end up. Over all I learned fairly quickly, I believe you did a good job teaching, and am hoping I did well on the test.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Rational B.O.B (#3)
So far this course has been pretty easy I honestly thought it would be a lot harder. Either way I have learned a lot while taking this class. Well that's pretty much it up to this point I hope to keep learning a lot more though.
Rational B.O.B.
This unit was somewhat difficult for me. I was able to pick up on the multiplying, dividing, adding, and subtracting fractions pretty quickly. But when it came to graphing the rationals, that's where everything got tricky. x-intercepts and especially horizontal aymptotes were the most difficult for me to understand. More the asyptotes than x-intercepts. But I was able to somewhat understand how to find them when it came to the test.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Rational B.O.B
fractions, no one likes them, and that's before you start putting the alphabet in there. but it makes sense now, adding and subtracting fractions took a little while before it clicked in my mind, but eventually I understood it. wow multiplying and dividing rationals is easy, easier than I expected. It feels like reveiw when we work on asyptotes because we learned about them in algebra 2, so I understood those perfectly, except for how the line can sometimes cross the asyptote, is it supposed to be a line where the input yields an error, so how can that happen with the line going over it?
Polynomial B.O.B
I remeber back in elementary school, when we were first learning of long division, I couldnt understand it at all, but now that we're doing it with polynomials, I have a good grip on it. I also never new that factoring polynomials above 3 terms would be so easy. all around I had a good understanding of this unit
Thursday, February 21, 2013
B.O.B. Polynomials
Polynomials was probably one of the easiest units all around, and there was little that I struggled with. However, one thing that I found tedious and annoying was using the Factor Theorem, particularly when you're given a number with a million and a half factors. It's not that it was very hard, just time consuming and a bit ridiculous at times. Overall, though, this was definitely the best unit, and I look forward to working with polynomials and applying them to future units.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
This unit I felt pretty well about everything except for long division. It seemed hard at first but after doing the examples i felt better about it and did pretty well on the test.
Progress in the course
I have not been doing to well in this class and I was really hoping to get a good grade on this unit's test. When we began learning about graphing polynomials all I could think was "Oh no! I'll never understand this when Jackson isn't here teaching." As we got further into the unit everything just cam to me and I got the best grade on a test in pre-calc functions that I've gotten yet. Now my grade is up and I am more determined to get a better grade in the next unit. This class, so far, has also helped me learn new study habits.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
B.O.B. Reflection
For the most part i felt that i understood this unit quite well. Some things seemed hazy when they were first introduced but once i started doing them they became easy to understand. Also, unlike in some of the other units, i felt that i was able to recognize exactly what method of solving to use when presented with a problem. My quiz was pretty good other than one or two little errors. However, when i got to my test i had a couple problems that kinda threw a stick in my wheel. This has been the case with most of the other tests. I guess i'll have to go back and see if i can spot the reason for this trend.
BOB polynomials
I particularly enjoyed this unit. I found it easy in a way that I understood it well, but challenging in a way that I still had to put thought into my work. Also I felt pretty confident on the test, especially because i was actually able to do the extra credit this time! I hope our next unit is similar to this one, because it was very enjoyable.
BOB Reflection day
Last Thursday and Friday were pretty rough for me, I could not focus because I had just found out that my grandpa was about to have surgery. Although at the end of the hour I had gained the confidence I needed to make it through the rest of my day. I'm not really sure what it is but first hour this tri is just a great way to start my day.
Polynomials was a fun unit. We had a lot of things to learn but the stuff we did learn was interesting. Long dividing with numbers is terrible but with functions was fun for me. I'm glad to have done well on the test and hope the next unit is just as fun.
Muddiest Point
The muddiest point for me with polynomials was graphing. At the beginning of the trimester, our teacher was sick for several days and we were left to problem solve our way through. On the second day I finally realized that by splitting each section of the polynomial (while it is in vertex form) you can look at it as many individual graph meeting together. Along with the end behaviors sheet the sub gave us I was able to figure out the graphing.
DEV - Nian
-3 to the both side,take out the 2.c value is equal to [-b/2]^2,so we get the 225/16.then multiply 2,add -7. then factor the equation .then factor divide 2.both side square root,then both side odd 15/4
both side subtract 16,take out the 3.factor mulitiply together equal -6,odd together equal to-5,get x value equal to -1,and 6
divide is mean mulitiply inverse,so time to 6n +6/42n +66.then the number they both have.do the cancel .get 4/10,they both have 2 then get 2/5
those question concepts from the notebook those question is best understanding.I learned polynomial function so far.I did no learned anything from this assignment.But it good review for me.~_~
Monday, February 18, 2013
Ideas that were cool in this unit
In this unit I thought that it was cool to be able to use long division to factor. I remeber the frustration in elementary school and thinking when am I ever going to use this beyond this unit? For this concept to come back was neat. Factoring did not seem to give me a lot of trouble and I felt that this unit ran fairly smoothly. Factoring by grouping was a new idea to me but once I had practiced it a few times, it made sense. I liked how finding the domain came back from the first unit and applied again. This made for good revview and preparation asthe exam draws nearer.
For our latest unit I found the factoring with sum of cubes, difference of cubes, and difference of squares challenging. Once I did some problems I started to understand it more but the set up with the problems really threw me off. Grouping and doing long division problems I found really simple for this unit and I had expected the long division to be the hardest.
B.O.B.- Moment Of Clarity
So, I somehow managed to get through my whole math career not understanding how to factor. But I completely understood grouping. Turns out, I knew how to factor, I was just missing a few little links. After getting some extra help from Mr.Jackson, I totally understood everything in this unit. This is the first time i've felt confident in this class. YAY!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
B.O.B. A Spark of Realization!!
In this unit I could not grasp how to graph polynomials for
the life of me. How the bounce and curved were supposed to look was very irritating
and bugging me so much. Then! I kept looking and looking at examples and practicing
them and it all clicked! FINALLY!! Man it is a true statement when people say “practice
makes perfect”. Also thanks Mr. Jackson
for answering all of my questions and being so patient with me on that section.
B.O.B. Progress
I don't want to jinx anything, but I think as we get farther into the trimester I'm beginning to understand things better. Not necessarily, that I find everything easy, but they weren't as tough as stuff we learned at the beginning of the trimester. I struggled, but managed to work through the things I couldn't solve before. The thing that I found most difficult was factoring by group. I'm usually really good at factoring and this seemed easy enough at first, but when the powers and the coefficients became higher it became more difficult. Especially the ones that we did by dividing polynomials was really hard for me to solve. I don't think there really was a "moment of clarity" for me. If the problem didn't work out like I wanted to, I just erased it and started over. I kept trying to solve it until I got it to factor out. Hopefully, for the next unit I won't find such things as difficult.
B.O.B.- Moment Of Clarity
At first when we started to learn how to do long division I was a little worried because it looked very complex. When we started I couldn't get the hang of it because I couldn't remember what to divide by and multiply. Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easily. It's just annoying after awhile because it takes so much time to get through.
Muddiest point
My muddiest point was graphing, I think. I understood it in time for the test but sometimes I would get confused on what the graphs looked like for their degrees and "a" values. Sometimes the amount of x intercepts wasn't enough or something and it would leave me really puzzled. But like I said, I understood by the time of the test and understand now, how to graph and what the graphs look like.
Moment of Clarity
There was a time in this past unit when I had a moment of clarity. When Mr. Jackson first intruduced long division I didn't understand at first how to do the problem and every time I would try and do some of the practice problems I would either forget a step in the process or I would just forget how to do the whole process in general. But once I started to come in early and get help and get help from my friends that have already had the class I started to understand and learn the process a lot better than when I started. So by the time it was time for the test I was able to remember the whole prcoess. That was my moment of clarity in this past unit.
Looking back on the last section of the class, most of what we have learned extends my learning a little bit. Most of what we did was either review or combining 2 or more things we/I have learned in previous classes. I will admit it has been a long time since the last time i had practice long division so nice review there.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Muddiest Point
I think the most trouble I've ever had in any math class, was when we had to graph equations in factored form. I just couldn't grasp the concept of "bouncing" and "curving" through the x-intercepts. I spent a lot of time looking over my notes, and I never achieved that "ah-hah" moment where I started to understand. I finally just stayed after school for 20 minutes with mr.Jackson, and I left his classroom with complete understanding of the concept. Thanks Man
B.O.B Moment of Clarity
In the beginning of this unit i did not understand how the graphs would go a certain way or point which way or what. I also didnt understand the curve and bounce and how to determine that right away. I did start getting it when i started looking at the answers on your website though. Once i found out how to do the problems i seemed to have a steady ground. I found that if you just pay attention on the equations then you can make since of what the graph will look like. That made it just so much easier when we had to make equations instead of graphs. Now after finishing the unit i understand it all.
Muddy point
This unit was something I'm not used to and I grasped most of the concepts quite quickly, especially the factoring by grouping, that one was actually a little fun. However, my muddy point was the long division. I haven't done long division since 5th grade, and even then, it wasn't so intensively complex. It was extremely difficult to grasp the concept, and i still don't understand it completely.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The thought of doing long division again made me pretty nervous. It's something we had not done in such a long time!! But with polynomials? The thought got even scarier! But as soon as we went over it in class, it was actually kind of cool how it all works out. Long division was actually my favorite part in the unit.
As the trimester goes on the units seem to be making more sense. Even when I think back about the first unit right, I still feel like it is the most complicated concept for me to understand. Graphing the polynomials and factoring were easy to figure out. The long division took me a little bit longer, but in the end I felt pretty comfortable with it all.
B.O.B - Moment of Clarity
At first, doing the long division was really difficult. It was hard to remember each step and just not messing up the positives and negatives. Looking back on it now, though, I'm not sure why I had so much trouble with it. It seems really simple. Once you said, "divide, distribute, subtract, drop", it was easy to remember the steps. Also, with practice it got easier. Now it's really easy, it's just kind of a pain in the butt because it takes up so much space on the page 😒
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Real world connection
I'm in AP Chemistry and right now we are learning about finding solutions for cubics using the + or - d/a. I thought it was cool because we had just learned it in Pre Calc so that helped me during class. It's still a bit fuzzy because I have to apply it to Chemistry but already learning it in Pre Calc definitely makes me more comfortable with it.
Monday, February 11, 2013
B.O.B. Polynomials
Polynomials are functions that have exponents greater than one. There are. So many complicated things to know about them that one could make a dictionary full of information based upon polynomials. Although this unit on polynomials was complex, I was only stuck on one thing. I did not know how to remember to always look for a greatest common factor. Going over my notes, I was able to find it easiest to look for a greatest common factor before I did anything else. Finding this out greatly improved my ability to correctly factor, so my problem was solved.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Muddiest Point
The hardest point for me in this unit was probably taking my time and reading a question before answering. I missed 5 points on the front page of the test alone for not reading where to put what information. I need to slow down on tests and think what needs to be done.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Quadratics B.O.B.
This unit was altogether not too difficult, but there were some things that tripped me up. The Quadratic Madness homework sheet was where I had the most trouble, probably because I wasn't here when we got it or went over it in class. The questions about writing an equation with the vertex given and the two numbers whose product is a minimum were where I had the most trouble.
All I had to do was talk to Jackson, and everything was cleared up.
All I had to do was talk to Jackson, and everything was cleared up.
My B.O.B's for units 1 & 2
BOB Functions
My personal "Muddy point" during the functions unit was first starting off because of all the time off from math I'd had. However, starting off with something so simple as interval notation was a good, light start into the class. It eased into the class itself.
BOB Quadratics
This unit had alot more "muddy points" than the previous, but started off on much more of a hard note. Completing the square was a difficult concept to grasp, but after some practice, gaining more finesse wasn't difficult. Making A ≠ 1 was about the same way.
My personal "Muddy point" during the functions unit was first starting off because of all the time off from math I'd had. However, starting off with something so simple as interval notation was a good, light start into the class. It eased into the class itself.
BOB Quadratics
This unit had alot more "muddy points" than the previous, but started off on much more of a hard note. Completing the square was a difficult concept to grasp, but after some practice, gaining more finesse wasn't difficult. Making A ≠ 1 was about the same way.
Quadratics B.O.B.
The quadratics unit was very easy for me, most of it felt like review from Algebra. The new thing that i learned was how create a formula base on another formula. It was very helpful in physics when that is what i need to do with a Tension lab. Overall the unit was good i am hoping for some new challenges to come.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
B.O.B Muddiest point
Overall this previous unit went quite well. It was easy for me and understood most everything. However, i did have problems with 2 questions on the test. One was the question that used _( _ ) = etc. I guess i just forgot that other variables can be substituted for f(x) and solved like a normal quadratic. The second question was the one that had you solving for x in a linear equation. I know it was extra credit but it kind of bothered me that i couldn't figure it out. I guess i'll have to look back at my notes and refresh my memory.
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