Sunday, December 30, 2012

Muddiest Point

For me, figuring out when to use inequalities and equations with radicals and rationals is confusing.. I kept mixing them up. It clicked for me before the test but now I feel that I have already forgotten which is which. I think that you use inequalities with rationals to find where x is greater than 0. For radicals, I think you also use an equation to find where x equals 0. For a radical under a rational I think you use inequalities to find where x is greater than or equal to 0. I'm still kind of confused about this but I'm understanding it a little more that in the beginning.

Hannah B.

B.O.B.- Moment of clarity

Throughout this unit I think the hardest thing for me to understand was interval notation. I had missed a couple days of school so that didn't really help me at all. So while I was trying to juggle the things that I had missed I was also trying to get a grip on interval notation. Interval notation doesn't seem that hard to understand on the outside, so I didn't understand why I couldn't get a grip on it. For me I think I didn't understand why you had to use brackets and when you had to parentheses. It really confused me and for the longest time on my homework I simply stuck every notation with a bracket. Then a friend of mine was helping me and as she explained to me how the one problem worked it hit me. That when you are including a number you need a bracket and when you don't you place a parentheses.
Another thing I found sort of difficult was knowing when to switch the notation. At first I didn't comprehend what Mr. Jackson was talking about when the notation might change when you divide functions. It did not make much sense to me at all. I just thought that the notation would remain the same for all of the problems. It had me constantly worried for the test because I thought if those kind of questions are on the test I am sure  to be doomed.  Then as I began looking at the answer to the notation I began to understand when I needed to change the notation. It was like a click in my mind. I finally understood interval notation and even began to really enjoy doing problems doing interval notation. For me that was the hardest thing to learn for this unit.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Reflective Comment

Reflecting back on the last unit I feel it was much easier than I anticipated.  At the beginning of the unit I remember all the warning we got about homework.  Also a friend of mine had it last tri and wouldn't stop talking about how much homework he got.  But I only had to do homework one night so far and the concepts have seemed  to come pretty easily.  While I enjoy a challenge, I hope that as the rest of the tri progresses the ideas come this easily.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

B.O.B.- Refection On A Particular Class

A reflection on a particular class.

I have chosen to blog about my reflection on my fifth hour class. My fifth hour class is Adult Living with Mr. Chapin. I have chosen to write a reflection on this class because so far this trimester I have really enjoyed what we have learned about and how Mr. Chapin has brought the whole class together and formed a family out of all the students that are in his class. He is great at making it easy for everyone to fit in and talk about what they are going through even though it might now be easy for some. With him not forcing someone into talking or sharing about what they are going through, I feel as if it makes people more willing to talk about things and feeling when they aren't forced unlike other classes where teachers force the students to talk which tends to make many people uncomfortable such as myself at times. I have nothing but great things to say about my fifth hour adult living class. It is one that I am always looking forward to at the end of my day. It is great to have a class that you are always looking forward to, no matter what hour of the day it is. Adult living has taught me many things and I can't wait for the rest of the trimester to learn even more and to hear whatever Mr. Chapin has to say. This my reflection on a particular class that I have chosen to blog about for my B.O.B.

-Morgan E.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I am inspired by many things.  First of all, my family.  My family is always there, helping to guide me to become who I want to be.  But the main thing that inspires me is: People who tell me I can't do something.  Those people, are what drive me to wake up in the morning.  I thoroughly enjoy being told that I can't... because when I accomplish whatever it is that I "can't" do.  I feel like I have accomplished the impossible!


Saturday, December 22, 2012

B.O.B - Struggles

The biggest struggle in this class, for me, at least, were those awful problems where you had to solve for 'x' when there was more than one. Or the problem where you had to find the inverse when there was more than one 'x'. Even when we went over it in class, I didn't understand it and I know for a fact that I didn't get it right on the test. I could get up to a certain point, where all the 'x's were on one side but then had no idea how to get rid of the y's at that point.

Otherwise, after the initial refresh of the things we'd learned in Algebra 1 and 2, I didn't have problems with the unit. Except, maybe, with the homework. Because personally I do not need twelve of the same problem to understand the concept. 

This unit wasn't nearly as hard as people made it out to be, and Mr. Jackson taught it well. Thanks, man.

Friday, December 21, 2012

B.O.B Reflection

When I first got into the class I could barley remember anything from Algebra 2. The with a little paractice it clicked! It all came back to me! That just proves what Summer and a couple of trimesters off from doing math or any subject will do to you. Thanks Jaxkson for all the help!

first blog

my hobby is play computer ,see the move,and doing math。

Thursday, December 20, 2012

B.O.B.- Muddiest Point

My greatest misunderstanding happened when I heard about this blog. I had no idea what a precalculus class had to do with blogs. At the time it seemed quite strange, but now I see how helpful a blog can be. Asking questions over the Internet can give quick access to help. This is exactly what I have found a blog can do. Using a blog is a great method of learning with your peers of the technological generation. I believe schools across the country should adopt this method.

Fact or Fiction?

For the past 4 or 5 years I have started paying attention to and becoming interested in the topic of Global Warming. This topic seemed so important to me that I actually plan on majoring in Environmental Science next year in college. I know that there has been a lot of debate over the question of rather it actually exist or not. I, personally, think that it very much so exist and that eventually we're going to destroy the planet. The amount of CO2 that we emit into the Earth's atmosphere is destroying ozone the layers around it that protect us from temperatures that can kill all of mankind. I know that it is not my place to tell people how to live, but I think that if the majority does not start to use renewable resources for energy, that something similar to an ice age will end up wiping all of mankind out.

I am inspired by people being able to overcome adversity.  From sports to Superstorm Sandy, one can see the resiliency of the human spirit and how people can battle throug adversity.  To see these people who have lost everything and still manage to keep an upbeat attitude, it makes you feel that anything is possible.  In football, it seems that every year, someone rises from the pile of obscurity to play a critical role for our team.  Often times, it seems that the media gets swept up in covering all the stars, taking time to cover the people behind the stars only once they accomplish something noteworthy.  I enjoy knowing that that person put in a lot work behind the scenes to get to where they are.  One of my favorite commercials used to run on the Big Ten Network and featured MSu guard Travis Walton running sprints in the Breslin and then looking up to the championship and Final Four banners in the rafters.  He was not the most talented player but you knew he put a lot of work in the offseason because he would look a lot better from season to season. 

Dear 40 Year Old Self

Dear 40 Year Old Alison,
Well I sure hope life has been treating you well. I hope that all of your dreams came true. I hope you're that kindergarden teacher you always wanted to be, with a loving husband and wonderful children. Hopefully you got out of Michigan and started a new life for yourself someplace new and exciting. I know how hard you worked to achieve these goals and I really do hope that everything fell into place. Hopefully you continue to work hard because the dreams I have for you keep coming.
Until later,
18 Year Old Alison

Letter for when I am 40.

Letter for when I am 40.                                                                                Dillon

               Okay so first I shall be living in LA or SD at this point in time.  I want to have a family with at least two children.  I want to be a music recorder/editor for a music company,  studio or a major music labor, or be a contractor for an artist or band.  Move to LA after my senior year to go to LA Film school for a 4 year degree.  Would be nice to have a side business in computers just fixing and working on them as a side job or small business.  Living in a higher end middle class neighborhood and having a semi-nice car would be nice.  If working at a studio making a minimum salary of right now of 90k a year and after taxes about 75K and then live off of 50k a year and then try and bank 25k a year for growth for later for security and for cars for children and for college.  Get a minor in business and get a good 401k and make a couple safe small investments that makes money but not a ton but enough to make it worth wild.  By age 40 if I should start a job after college at a studio around age 24 or 25 have around 350k hopefully banked from the 25k a year savings.


Inspiration comes from a multitude of things that are usually different for everyone. Mine just happens to be succeeding/winning.  Success has many definitions the ones I believe in are striving to finish, getting the job done even when you're told you can't, and doing the job right.  Winning goes hand and foot with success for me.  When I win I feel good and it makes me want to do even better than I did before.  It builds confidence and gives you a sense of accomplishment.  If you succeed you win, and if you win you succeed.

"If you ain't first, you're last"-Ricky Bobby  
-Savannah B.

Something I am an expert at

Something I love and have been fairly good at is cross country. I love the sport and have a passion for it. Most people automatically think "ugh running, I hate running" but distance running is completely mental. This year, my junior year, I really focused on the mental part of it and keeping my focus to maintain my pace and speed. My focus was lowering my time a little bit each race. In preparation to do that I had to not only on race day but at practice too. During long easy runs I could allow my mind to wonder or even chat with my team mates but on hard runs or speed work outs I needed to stay concentrated. "Push through the pain," "Don't slow down," "Stay consistent," had to be the thoughts going through my mind. One might ask what a speed work out it, it's very simple; timed repeats. During these repeats of 400m or 800m laps i had my watch with me timing each lap, checking in with my check points of where i should be. I would push these shorter distances just slightly faster than my race pace and do them over and over again. Averagely there might be 3 sets of 3 800's or 4 sets of 4 400's. I enjoyed the 400's more because i could push myself to go just a tat bit faster building up strong mussels in my legs. I don't necessarily love the actual action of running but I love how I feel when I'm finished, my mind feels clear and I feel aware of everything after a run. Not only do I have feel physical good but mentally I am satisfied that I completed it and I'm finished. :)

"Answer a simple question..."

One may casually ask a question and expect a simple answer.
But in most cases, there can be a greater extent of an answer to even the most basic of questions...

"Why did the chicken cross the road" for example.
We really don't know this chicken's story...He may be a successful businessman, he could be a lawyer, he could be the cook at your local taco bell. For what reason did he cross this road? Was it a busy road? Could it have been a highway?
Was he afraid to cross, or did he cross with confidence? Did he carry anything with him?
How did he plan on crossing? By foot? Was his true intent to attempt to fly over? Or possibly roll as if he were a secret agent?
Was the chicken young or old? What was his story? What stories did he have to tell?

In the end. We search the details and find the true reason.
He was searching for someone, someone that he knew well. Someone who no longer inhabits this world. Someone who was the entire reason he wanted to get to...
The other side.

Things to blow your mind

I have a few ideas that can blow your mind.  They may not be true, they may not be realistic, but they are simply interesting to think about.  Just try to keep an open mind.

1. I call this the Big Bang anti-theory.
The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe was created by an infinitely dense and collected ball of energy exploding, creating everything that ever did, does, or is going to exist in a fraction of a second.  But what if this is just an illusion.  The Anti-theory suggests that that big ball of energy never really exploded.  It simply remained, and we created a world around it.  Everything, everyone, everywhere, and every time is happening all at the same place, at the same time, in this big ball of energy.  They are just on different dimensional planes.  If this theory were true, time travel and teleportation would suddenly become much easier, as they would be simply transporting yourself from one plane to another.


2.  This next one is a little more realistic.
We all (most of us anyways) see color.  We have the rainbow, ROYGBV, and we have all agreed which color is which.  Green is Green, Blue is Blue, Red is Red, and so on.  But at the same time, it is widely accepted that everyone is different.  Everyone has a different face, body, attitude, personality, and so on.  Now, put these two facts to get the following.  Color is seen by our brains processing the patterns of light entering our eyes, but everyone's brain is different.  So, we all see color differently.  When I see Red as Red,   you might see the color I see as Blue.  The color you see when you look at something Green, could be the same color I see when I look at Orange.  In fact, logically this is all probably true.  Maybe we even all have the same favorite color, but we simply identify it by a different name.  Interesting, huh.  But one question remains; how do you prove it?


3.  Lots of people say that all humans are connected.
They say that humans are connected.  Connected by interests, commonalities, religion, location, or anything really.  But, there are some people that believe that this connection goes even further.  Have you ever been minding your own business, when you get the feeling someone is staring at you?  How many times have you gotten this feeling, and ended up being correct?  Many believe this is caused by a sixth sense of some sort.  It's sort of like, when you are with your best friend and you know exactly what they are thinking even though they haven't said a thing.  You just know.  Some speculate that there are actual signals, sort of like radio waves, that are sent from our brains and received by the brains of others as a form of subconscious communication.  This is also applicable to sleep.  There are people that believe that when you think about someone right before you fall asleep that they will dream about you.  This sounds far-fetched I know, but it has happened to me.  I had a dream about a friend once, and confronted them about it the next day, and it scared them beyond belief because I was indeed the last thing that went through their mind at night.  You don't have to believe that this is true, but the next time you have a dream about someone you know, just ask yourself, "Why were they thinking about me?"


How To Obsess Over Bands

There'a world out there, bigger than us all. A world where people come together loving all types of genres, a world where people don't base each other on gender, or grades, or outfits. This world involves people of all ages but (mostly between ages of 14 and 19). In this world bandoms are created, and obsessions are growing by the second. I was one of those kids that enjoyed music before I discovered this world, but now I live and breath music. Band feelings have ruined my life, and this is how it happens.

Step One: Discovery,
This step is the beginning, the one that eventually leads into your doom. You can choose not to live this life during this step yet most people don't even see it coming.

Step Two: Like 
You decide that you like whatever band you have just discovered, next you are buying albums, and watching interviews. You now start knowing the members, and start to feel a connection to them. You feel as if this will be a good thing.

Step Three: Attachment
This step utterly leads unto your downfall. At this point you have bought band merch, looked for concerts, replayed songs, and you have grown to love the band members and freak out every time they announce a new tour, album, song, or just update their twitter. This step is falling into your obsession.

Step Four: Feelings
This step is full of emotion, you love them, you hate them. You cry, you scream, you laugh. You feel every single emotion all at once. You are both happy and depressed at the same time.

Step Five: Loneliness

At this point, you are still in denial about your obsession. You say things like, "I didn't choose this life, it chose me." You try to get people around you to understand, and yet they never will. Not everyone can understand ones love for their favorite band. In this step you start shipping the members, traveling hours to concerts, having extreme feelings about the members. You realize you are utterly alone in this step and the only thing to help you in life is bands.

There is no excaping the bandom life, and everyone around you will see it. You are a shell of the band that you obsess with. It's a good life, but many people will never understand.

-Corie D.

p.s Merry Christ(band merch)mas to me :D

something I believe in

I have the strong belief that gun control laws should be set in a limit. most people who are against gun control laws say that those in favor of it want to take every single gun out of the contry. Well that's just not true. people in favor of gun control laws simply want to limit civilian access to assault weapons that are designed for killing humans. weapons designed for animal hunting and self defense are fine for civilian use. but the weapons made for war and killing people should not be distributed to civilians, because some people out there will get them and use them for mass murders like the one we've recently had in Connecticut. and this is what I believe in.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hey old man!

 Dear 40 year old self,

I know you have probably had a lot of fun with life by now I hope college and the rest of High school were great for you. There is a few things I hope you and people in your time have accomplished by now and they are as follows.

For you:
1. I really hope you stayed close to all your friends from High school
2. I hope you are happily married by now
3. If you didn't break that 300 meter hurdles record I am not going to be happy with you
4. I really hope that you finally got a guys water polo team at school because that sport is the best
5. Honestly dude you had better have stopped procrastinating on major projects
6. Keep helping with scouts
7. Most importantly keep the Faith!!!

For Society
1. Bacon had better be a major food group of it's own
2. I really hope that you guys have put a man on mars by now
3. Discover an easier way of learning than doing homework
4. It would be nice if you all have found the cure to cancer by now
5. I really hope people become more active and learn to love the great outdoors and the fun stuff you can do outside

That pretty much covers everything for now, well I guess this is goodbye then have fun with the rest of your life!


Letter to myself

Dear 16 old year self,
        I never thought I would be the type of teenager to nag or get upset about small ridiculous things that they always argue about on TV  I guess that half of that stuff it's true and it's just a part of growing up. I hope that when I come back and read this later I am a more confident and mature adult. Too bad I cannot be that mature and wise adult now. Right now I am just a lost soul wandering in life.
       I have many useless dreams right now, many that I know I will not get too accomplish but dreams don't always have to come true. Sometimes dreams just serve as a something to take up space in our mind. Something that gives us hope and a reason to wake up every day and do the things we do. Having goals and dreams I think help someone move on from something else. For me right now I don't have a main dream really. I am just floating through limbo. Not sure of what I want to do yet or really of what I will become. It's frustrating to not really know what you want or what you need to do. But I guess for now that how my life is going to be like. Everything has a time and maybe the time for me to discover my talent isn't here yet.

        Sometimes I think about how cool it would be if I had the talent of singing or being so smart I could completely skip high school and move on to college. Becoming the youngest researcher about autism on earth. Haha yeah right! I could definitely accomplish those things, but not in the way I imagine them in my head. Sometimes you really have to accept who you are and just move on with life. Appreciate what you have, don't complain over the things you don't have. There is always a reason for everything is what I tend to think about when wishing I had some cool talent. I just think that in my life if I could at least make one person happy in life and make them smile I would be satisfied. My point is that maybe I can't find the cure for cancer or create peace all over the world but at least I can satisfy one person and make them happy. After all, everything has to happen one step at a time. If I can one person one smile, and the person makes someone else smile. Pretty soon the whole world will be happy and smiling! This isn't really a letter for myself anymore. I think it was just a post to vent about life haha. At least I hope when I come back to read this letter I am a better an happier person. A better version of my teenage self. "Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was"- Richard L. Evans (Brainy Quote).


What is a Pyroclastic Flow?

I habitually listen to music while doing my homework.  Today i was listening to some Ice Cube and finishing my numerous math questions had been assigned.  Anyone who has listened to the album Raw Footage surely knows the part that this question comes from.  If you don't it goes like this, 

What's the definition of a pyroclastic flow?
That's what happens when a volcano blow
That's what happens when Ice Cube starts to flowRed hot s'lava, mixed with lavaPulverizing everything in its wakeNothing can survive a pyroclastic flowAnd no one will survive this one
So naturally, having nothing better to do i began to wonder, "what is a pyroclastic flow?"  The word pyroclast is derived from Greek words meaning fire and broken pieces.  A pyroclastic flow is a fast-moving current of gas and rock.  They are generally seen when a volcano erupts or parts of the volcano collapse, spewing large masses of gas that are heavier than the surrounding air.  These flows can travel as fast as 450 mph and reach temperatures of 1,830 degrees F. One interesting characteristic of pyroclastic flows is that they can cross large bodies of water as wide as 30 miles.  Though this has not been observed by scientists, it is generally accepted based on historical evidence and experimentation.
Final Verdict:  Don't get in the way of Ice Cube's pyroclastic flow 

Sources: What Is A Pyroclastic Flow? by Ice Cube     

There is one thing that I am an expert at. I am an expert at making peanut butter tortilla shell wraps. Peanut butter and tortilla shell wraps are just two things that I love combined into one amazing thing. There are 10 steps to making this wrap.

Things You Will Need:
  • Knife
  • Peanut Butter
  • Tortilla Shell/(Shells depending on how many you want to make.)
  • Plate
Steps To Making A Peanut Butter Tortilla Shell Wrap:

1. First get all your supplies around.
2. Lay your tortia shell out flat on the plate.
3. Open up the jar of peanut butter.
4. Pick up your knife.
5. Stick the knife into the jar of peanut butter and scoop some peanut butter out.
6. Spread the peanut butter evenly onto the tortilla shell.
7. Put the top back on the jar of peanut butter.
8. Take care of the knife you used to spread the peanut butter.
9. Now fold your tortilla shell with peanut butter on it in half.
10. Now you are ready to eat and enjoy it!! :)

Dear 40 year old Tori,

I hope you're doing well. I also hope that you've accomplished everything you wanted to. If you don't have a job, a family or a good social life by now, you've ultimately failed. But I'm sure you have all of that. Right now, what I dream of when I'm 40 is to be a large animal vet and live in a huge house out in the Iowa countryside with 3 kids, all boys and a husband. If this explains your life, you've completed everything I've ever dreamed of.

How to wash a car properly

It is surprising how many mistakes people make while hand washing their car.  One of the most important part of washing a car is making sure you have all the necessary pieces of equipment.   You will need 2 buckets, a hose, soap, a way to dry the car (i use micro fiber towels), and a washing mitt.  If you plan to wax the car afterwards you should wash the car with dish soap as that will take off almost everything from the paint including any extra wax. fill the two buckets with water, one with soap and wet the car down.  It is important to keep the car wet until you dry it other wise you will get water spots.  Any bug or tar can be striped with big and tar remover, imagine that.  It also cleans any extra rubber from a burn out you may have done.  Wash from the top, down as this will wash all the dirt and grime to the ground.  When you dry the car with a towel you should spray a little wax or detail spray to prevent micro scratches from any dirt you may of left.  
Washing the wheels of car should be cleaned with different equipment because the brake dust being rubbed into your paint will do a lot of damage to your clear coat. Using a wheel cleaner and a brush will get the job done.  Using armorall wheel protectant will save you alot of time the next time you clean your wheels.  Always clean your wheels first because other wise when you rinse of the wheel you will be getting over spray and dirt on the paint you just cleaned.  
For more help cleaning your car refer to this link for a series of videos that are informative while being entertaining   

The Favorite Color Theory

Why do people have favorite colors?

Well, there is a very long, exciting, complicated, mind blowing answer to that question.
With seven different colors in a rainbow and many different variations of those colors it is hard to choose which color one likes best. Each person has a different favorite color that is unique to them. People liking the look of different colors could possibly stem from an idea that there can be "different physiological differences in people's eyes, in their retina and lens that may be able to slightly change what people see." (

When kindergarteners first learn their colors they are told "this color is blue" or "this one is pink." They are taught to identify a particular shade with a particular word. To make a long story short, one person's pink might look the same as as another person's blue, but they are still titled pink and blue. People have favorite colors simply because they also have different tastes and prefer one look to another. This is what makes us unique as human beings.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why Are Things "Cute"?

Why do we like soft, cuddly things, and why do they have an effect on us?
We tend to like big eyes, and soft facial feature, and these "cute" characteristics can be found in the human baby.  If we automatically feel the need to protect a baby, it can trigger a similar feeling to other objects that have the same characteristics as a baby. For example, bunnies, birds, and even a hammer.
Yes, a hammer. Normally, a hammer is boring, but if you were to take a hammer, make it more round, and shorten it. It would be seen as cute and not the boring hammer it normally is.
The hammer became cute because it was given "cute" characteristics.
(Information from vsauce)

Expert peanut butter sandwich maker:

There is an art to making peanut butter sandwiches and only a true professional can master it.

Step 1: Get two pieces of bread that are side by side in the loaf (don't grab two from different ends or else they will be slightly different sizes or shapes).
Step 2: Get peanut butter (crunchy is best because you get the best of both worlds).
Step 3: Take a knife and spread a smooth, even and not-too-think layer of peanut butter across the bread (make sure to get all the way to the edges).
Step 4: Cut in half diagonally from left to right.
Step 5: Eat and enjoy.

If you practice these steps repeatedly, you may become an expert peanut butter sandwich maker like me.


Letter to 40 year old me

Dear 40 year old me,
So how is life being old? You should have at least gotten a few things done by now.

  1. Graduate college 
  2. Have an awesome job 
  3. Make a decent amount of money and live in a nice house 
  4. Live somewhere special like your own private island
  5. Have nice cars
  6. Don't give up on the band
  7. Keep being awesome at drums
  8. Learn to drive race cars
  9. Drive one lap in a formula one car or be on a formula one team
  10. Don't forget about all your friends
  11. If  there are time machines come back and visit me
If you've done all of that you have had a pretty great life.
                                 Love, yourself from from 2012

Devon K. at the big 40

Hello devon, this is a letter written to you from yourself in the year 2012 when you were 17. If you live in a nice house with 10 acres and make over $250,000 a year then good for you, hope you enjoy your job as an engineer. If you are retired and have a hot wife and awesome children then you accomplished my goal of being an officer in the air force and retiring at 35-40. If you don't have a job and you live at our dads then shame on you go back to school, loser! Oh and if aren't reading this because you died on 12/21/12 then I guess crazy people can be right once in a while. Hopefully you're at least happy because if you're a desk jockey and don't get to see your family often then I feel sorry for you good luck in your future endeavors hope you've lived and will forever more live a great life

~yourself during 12/18/2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Why do we have to go to school?

Most people ask this question when they get into high school.  Why do we have to go to school?  It might be because our parents want us to get a good education or to become successful.  It might be because the law is that you have to be in school until you are 16 or until graduation.  And you might just say, "Because my parents want me to."

What I think of going to school is this: Everyone should go to school no matter what.  Everyone varies in learning categories, learning faster or slower than someone else.  It does not matter if you spend 2 hours on something or just 2 minutes.  If you end up understanding the work after you finish it that is the only thing that matters.  Yes many people do not have as much time as other people with sports and other responsibilities, but they have to try just as hard as the other people in their grade level.  If you even want to participate in a high school sports team you have to go to a high school to do so.

After the teenager rebellion stage of oneself thinking they know all the answers to any question then it gets easier down the road.  They think they know why they go to school when meraly, they do not know at all.  They think the correct answer is just because they are made to out of punishment.  We all know that is not what school is meant to do, but if you look at it like that then yes it might as well be punishment.  Punishment is getting your phone taken from you, not to go to school. 

After high school many people want to automatically be millionaires.  That is not possible unless you win the lottery or have some rich family members.  Even then it is very unlikely that they will give you their money, so that means you need an education to get the money you want so badly.  For a good job you have to have a high school diploma and a good college degree.  Many jobs have various requirements for being able to become and be in that profession.

School is important so that you will have a good future in life and that is why we "have" to go to school.

How To: Be a Crazy Fan Girl

step one: figure out you like something (a celebrity, tv show, band, book series, youtube personality, etc.)

step two: figure out you really really like that something (we will assume for the rest of this how-to that the something is some kind of famous person)

step three: watch/listen to/read/look at everything that person has produced (writings, songs, videos, etc.)

step four: watch/listen to/read/look at anything involving that person that wasn't produced by them (fan fiction, fan art, pictures of them, other videos they were in, etc.)

step five: join the fandom (fandom (noun): a group of people on the internet who are also fan girls/guys/people of the something you are a fan of)

step six: set every wallpaper on every electronic device and social media site you have as pictures of them

step seven: make a blog specifically about that person just to post pictures, videos, songs, thoughts, and anything about said person (at this point you're not only aware of the professional side of this person but also about their personal lives, all their interests, any and all details about them)

step eight: spend all of your money on their merch (merch (noun): slang for merchandise)

step nine: start telling people that that person is the love of your life and that you will marry them some day because they are the most perfect human being

step ten: get mad at other people in your fandom for doing step nine (possible things to say: "that's funny that they think they have a chance with her when we were obviously made for each other", "i bet they haven't even watched all of her videos!", "no. mine.")

step eleven: start making references to things they said/did (especially around people who are not in your fandom and do not understand your references)

step twelve: start referring to this person as if you know them in real life because you honestly probably know more about them than their actual friends and family (ex: "The other day, Hannah was talking about that and she made this great point...")

step thirteen: if they make any kind of acknowledgement that you exist, cry. cry like a baby.

step fourteen: let your obsession spill over into every part of your life (ex: write a blog post for your precalculus class about how to be a proper fan girl)

And there you have it. You're welcome.

(extra step: go to add a gif to this post and realize all your gifs are of said person you are a crazy fan girl of)

Just a question.


What a difficult question to answer. It's only one word, really. Yet it entices some of the most intricate and thoughtful responses man can make.

Sure, there are simple answers. Like "just because" or "I don't know". But that really tells you about the sentiment of the person answering, right? Clearly not the kind of person you need to give you the answer.

Why, what, though? Why anything?

See, that's the thing. Once we reach a certain age, we stop asking the difficult questions. Questions like: "Why is the sky blue?" or "Why don't animals cry?" or "Why do people have to die?"

We leave those kind of questions for other children, who will probably never get the answer, just like we didn't.

It's not that the people we ask are hiding the answer from us. It's that the kind of questions we ask have difficult ones. Some scientific or systematic explanation that is far beyond most mature adults.

And eventually, because we are human beings, we get tired of not getting the answers, so we end up not asking.

We give it up.

We let it go.

And my only question is:


40 Years old me!

Dear Z. Conn,
      This is a letter for you when you are 40 years old. By time you are 40 you have accomplished these goals:

  •  you have to be married to a hot piece of babe.
  •  kids better be in your home and a rockin' sweet home
  •  you must be at least of third of the way to be able to hold a million dollars, in cash 
  • you got to have an awesome car that everyone is jealous
  • you must live in an amazing part the US where you can go hiking or rock climbing camping all that Jazz 
  • you have to at least one patent in your name 
  • Engineering is what bring home your bacon 
  • Bacon better be a food group by then
  • you still help out the local Boy Scouts 
  • you never stop being awesome
Accomplish leave goal and your life will be amazing. Hey remember your wife is amazing, and always will be. 

                     Z. Conn 

What I'm Good At

I am really good at making Ramen Noodles. It's super easy. So, this is how you do it:
1. Put 2cups of water in a pan on the stove and bring it to a boil.
2. Once the water is boiling, pour the noodles and flavor powder into the water. Turn down the heat so it does not boil over.
3. Cook for 3minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. After 3minutes, turn the heat off, pour the soup into a bowl, and stuff your face.
CAUTION: Soup will be hot. Do not literally stuff your face. You will burn yourself.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I am inspired by the unending trust the people of Earth have in gravity. We cannot say it is something, yet we recognize it as a force. Gravity keeps us on the ground, so we do not float away. At any moment our gravity can disappear and cause us to drift like balloons toward the sky. Why do we trust gravity? Maybe because it has always been there for us. The trust you place in gravity is directly related to the amount of time it has already helped you stay on the Earth's surface. Trusting that simple fact will help you live without worry, for you believe you will not float away.

Friday, December 14, 2012

What I Believe In

I believe abortion is murder that humans try to justify through definitions and terms.  Google defines murder as "The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another" and that accurately and completely describes abortion.  Any parent or parent going to through with abortion has premeditated by planning a day and filling our the paper work to kill a human baby.  Being a human though, they attempt to justify there feelings by bring the attention back to the only thing they think about, themselves.  They say its not fair for "me", think about how it will change "my" life, but really they are only beginning to understanding the consequences for their wrong actions.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Let's Blog!

There are lots of ways to blog and lots of things to blog about.  I want you to start thinking.  We're going to start with this assignment because it gives you even more freedom of choice about what you're blogging.  Pick one of the choices below and create your first blog post.  It's easy to do!  

Here are my tips for first time bloggers:

  1. Make a choice from the list.
  2. Take some time to actually think before you write.  Don't jump right into something before you spend  time developing ideas.
  3. If #2 was too hard, pick another choice from the list.
  4. Start by writing your ideas down in a post.  Click on the large orange button that says POST.
  5. You can SAVE without publishing if you want to finish your post later.  Make sure to PUBLISH your post by the due date.  You can also edit any post that you've created at another time.  
  6. Make sure you give it a title and be creative.
  7. Finish your post with your signature sign-off (if you're using your name, just first name please).  
  8. Link any sources or information outside of this blog using hyperlinks or simply copy and paste.  Site your sources for pictures copied from the internet.  
  9. Be safe and follow the guidelines we discussed.  If you forgot, click on blog guidelines.
  10. This assignment will be graded based on completion (no rubric).  This does not count as your unit blog.
  11. Please complete this entry by December 20th, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. (Thursday night).  

  • Stand up for something you believe in.
  • Learn something new and describe what you learned and why.
  • Answer a question you think is too simple. 
  • Write a how-to on something you're an expert at.
  • What inspires you and why?
  • Write a letter to your 40 year old self.

If you have another great idea to blog about, please feel free to comment on this post and I'll add it to the list!  Happy blogging!